Sports Injuries | Articles

What to Know About Golfers’ Elbow (and How to Prevent It)

Despite the name, you don’t have to be Phil Mickelson to get golfers’ elbow . This form of tendonitis can be caused by any number of jobs or activities that involve repeatedly swinging or bending your arm or wrist, from...

Can’t Put Pressure on Your Wrist? It Could Be One of These Painful Conditions

If you can’t put pressure on your wrist without pain or discomfort, it may be a sign that something is wrong and should be looked at by a specialist. When everything is working as it should, you probably don’t...

Clavicle ORIF Surgery Helps 20-Year-Old Cyclist Heal Before the Little 500

Spring break for college students often means taking trips for fun in the sun, but that wasn’t the plan for one hardworking elite student-athlete. This year, Josh H., a 20-year-old IU student, spent mid-March training on a track for his...

It Is Football Season: What is Jersey Finger (Flexor Tendon Rupture)

A jersey finger injury is most commonly seen in tackling sports such as football and occurs when a players finger gets caught in the jersey tearing the tendon. The tendon that is torn is the flexor tendon which is the...